With this fifteenth volume of "David Boles, Blogs" we continue to set records in delight and humanism in our continued goal to bring you the truth of the world. We have been serving that goal in continuous publication since 1996! This "Best of..." series of books is our way of supporting the human right to communicate and connect with each other at will and against all odds. By purchasing this exquisite fifteenth volume in the series, you are helping us expand our touch into the future. We have never accepted one dollar for advertising on the online blog, and we never will! Thank you for buying Best of David Boles, Blogs: Volume 15 (2024) -- it means a lot to us! Click on the book cover below to buy the eBook on Amazon and help support our ongoing cost of publication!
Welcome to this year’s edition of — the “Best of David Boles, Blogs: Vol. 15 (2024)” — this handheld electronic edition brings the best of BolesBlogs.com, and provides you easy access to the best writing of the year 2024 by David Boles. This year’s topics include an amazing trip back to Nebraska to bury my mother and to visit family I haven’t seen in over 40 years. Plus, 2024 was a big year for Artificial Intelligence and AI has swept into all of our lives – whether we realize it or not. Plus, lots of reflections are shared concerning what it means to be human and what it means to know just how you fit into the world. Plus, you get to meet The Boles Birts: Percy and Lotty! Two, new, and beautiful British Shorthair kittens that are now a big part of our family.
You are purchasing this eBook to support the ongoing online publication of David Boles, Blogs located online at BolesBlogs.com where servers, bandwidth, and images support all have a rising, substantial, cost for production. Thank you!
As well, be sure to follow us all year long via our Discord server and join our Federated Mastodon server at Boles.xyz!
There are no hyperlinks or fancy formatting in this ebook. In fact, this is a purposeful, old-timey, “flat file” publication — just like the old paper books of yore, where you start on page one, and finish reading on the last page. This is a mechanical choice of function, not a historic moment in amber!