The Failure of Foucauldian Urban Schooling: Abstraction, Panopticism and the Carceral City
by David W. Boles

The great French philosopher and self-aggrieved sociologist Michel Foucault echoes and haunts the idea of urban schooling via anecdotal analysis and desperate discourse in his classic work Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1977). That book has been used as a template by some scholars for creating effective schooling systems in urban centers but the obverse terror revealed in Foucault’s research has been put into practice as a modern pedagogic methodology. The certain failure of the system Foucault described for the application of epistemological patterns creates an uncertain future for urban schools and the cities that house them....
The Failure of Foucauldian Urban Schooling: Abstraction, Panopticism and the Carceral City

Copyright by David Boles. All rights reserved.